i got my own netbook!

hehe ;) abah kasi kat ak netbook. asalnya abah nk pkai netbook then ak pkai notebook dye sbb senang dye nk bwk pegi keje, or nk wat presentation. ttbe mlm smlm, abah pnggil ak. abah ckp "this netbook is yours". apa lagi, melonjak keriangan la ak. abah xjadi nk pakai netbook. dye nak pkai notebook dye jgk. so netbook nie dpt kat ak. ak akan jaga netbook pemberian abahku yang tercinta nie baik-baik. p/s: jadi skema sekejap.

happy birthday to my beloved mother!

happy birthday to the best mom that i know. a mom who i love and respect. may god bless u with health, wealth and prosperity in your life.i wish u all the best, a long life full of happiness and peace. i hope that you can achieve your dreams. you are the best mom in the world. i am so blessed to have a wonderful, caring, supportive, successful, friendly and affectionate mother like you. you always encourage me to achieve my dreams. you make me feel so special and you are always there for help and advice. you are my inspiring close friend, and i will always pray for you.
I LOVE MAMA very much!

SHINee message to their future wife ;)

SHINee's radio interview @ SimSimTaPa radio station. all the SHINee's member were there except Minho. where are u babe?. in this video, they were asked to say something to their future wife. suppose that they are married.
key: "i want you always to do the best thing for you. coz you're priority above all. let's always live happily. Yeobo saranghae!".
taemin: "let's continue to live happily forever. and.. uhm, let's have sons and many daughters too.. let's make a happy family. yeobo, saranghaeyo!".
jonghyun: "jakiya (honey/darling). i'm sorry to you that i cant always be a good husband and lets have baby quickly. we are childless. hahaha ;D saranghae.
OMG! wish i were their future wife. haha ;) watch this video to know more.


gtg to sleep. it's already 4.05am already. ;) continue next time maybe. daa~ gudnite!


i also never thought i will ended up being a fan of KPOP, since i use to be crazy with INDIE's song... but one day when i accidentally watched a kpop music video in youtube, i suddenly interested and searched on the group on the web, which leads me to another groups and songs, and now i ended up being a kpop fan as a whole! i dont listen to any music other than kpop music since then, thats how BIG impact that kpop had left on me.


u said that u dont get it "why people like me are SOOO OBSESSED into kpop right?" i used to have the same thougths too. just u know, u will never know the feeling, not untill you being a fan yourself. kpop is addictive, thats why! once u fall for them, u cant turn back. from the songs, the boy's groups, the girl's, the variety shows, the dramas, the movies, well basicly everything that have to do with kpop is addictive. kpop is different. u can't compare kpop with american pop, jpop or whtasoever, kpop music is something that unique and fresh. its full of surprise pluss u will never get bored. kpop is universal la babe! eventhough there is some people who said that kpop artist are poser and not original, i never find any of this true, seriously!

other reasons is about the artist itself, when i said kpop artist, its not only the cute boys and girls in a group, i mean COME ON! kpop also have solo artists, duhh. p/s : handsome, cute boys image is a bonus. hahahaha :) but nowdays, many kpop groups are more matured and of course, the kpop artists are talented. you heard that, TALENTED! they can sing, they can dance, they can rap, they can act, they can be a DJ, they can compose and there so many other random things that they can do. moreover, kpop artists especialy those in the boy groups have random personality and that what makes the crazy fangirls like me fall for them. X) kpop artists always appeared in variety shows, which reveals their true self and personalities to the fans. kpop artists also care for the fans and try to have a close bonds with their fans by doing fan meetings, fan services, texting with the fans via FACEBOOK,TWITTER, ME2DAY, MYSPACE and etc.

other than that, the korean dramas such BOYS OVER FLOWER, A.N.JELL, and MASTER OF STUDY, the variety shows such DREAM TEAM, HAHA MONG SHOW, IDOL ARMY, STAR GOLDEN BELL, IDOL MAKNAE REBELLION and WE GOT MARRIED, the movies which like i've said before, is highly addictive.

*actually there's so many other reasons why one can be a loyal and devoted kpop fans, but the reason are so many and random. TRY BEING A KPOP FAN ONCE AND U WILL KNOW WHAT I MEAN!.

Download SHINee's Lucifer FULL ALBUM!

wajah baru!

hehe ;D blog i dah berwajah baru. lagi semangat i nk berblog. daa~