bla bla bla ♥

hello org tade nama dgn encik faz ! both of you make my night joyful today. seronok la comment dgn kalian berdua. tapi terasa macam org gila pon ada sikit. haha :) lawak la. yeay! encik blog ohh encik blog, saya dh dapat kawan baru, nama dia encik faz dgn org tade nama. muahahaa :) sewel sudaa~ tapi kan encik blog, saya berkenalan dgn org tade nama tu seekejap je. rindu plak saya dekat dia..heee~

Thank You For Being You!

Thank you! 2 simple words i want to use right now to tell you how much i appreciate you!

Thank you for ......
  1. always being there EXACTLY when i needed you.
  2. being the one i colud tell anything to.
  3. being my crying shoulder.
  4. defending me.
  5. telling me how much u liked being my friend.
  6. understanding me when i felt like no one did.
  7. telling me i wasn't alone.
  8. putting up with me when i was crabby, rude, whinny and a brat.
  9. wipping my tears
  10. telling me everthing would be okay
  11. complimenting me
  12. opening up to me
  13. trusting me with all ur secrets
  14. making me fell needed
  15. every call, msg, video, or song you every gave me
  16. believing in me
  17. not laughing at my dreams *sometimes! haha :D
  18. trusting me
  19. liking me the way i am.
  20. making me feel good or confident
  21. letting me know i wasn't the only one did klutzy things.
  22. giving me the best of two choices.
  23. all the times you made me laugh.
  24. listening
  25. talking to me
  26. getting me out of trouble.
  27. all the times you took the blame
  28. helping me.
  29. giving me advice
  30. encouraging me
  31. confiding in me
  32. sticking with me when everyone else left.
  33. being the one i could count on.
  34. doing crazy, silly things with me.
  35. sharing with me some of the happiest moments of my life.
  36. forgiving me whenever i hurt you.
  37. comforting me when i was scared.
  38. hanging out with me
  39. missing me
  40. teaching me that friends come and go but u'll always be there
  41. remembering me
  42. standing by me through thick and thin
  43. taking the time to read this

    Twisting Tiger The Best!

    haha :) lately, i'm addicted to Supa Strikes. Its the best! In Supa Strikes, my favourite player is Twisting Tiger. his position in Supa Strikas is Midfielder (right winger). His "tornado move" is super duper awesome yaww~! Sometimes he talks so fast. You don't know what he is saying. His distinctive “flame” hairdo make him looks so adorable. His favourite saying is I don’t want to hear the final whistle and think: I could have done more!”.  
    Unique style, unique skill and a unique hairdo make Twisting Tiger one of the most watchable players in the Super League.  His signature twisting move is unforgettable.

    thank you, Fazrul !

    last friday hari tu, Fazrul belanja aku aiskrim Cornetto. happy happy. haha :) tpi kan dia malu-malu  nak cakap kat aku yg dia nak belanja aiskrim. dia pergi suruh hassan yang cakap kan aku. aiyoo~ "awak awak, apa pasal awak manyak malu-malu?"  heee~ tpi tak aku tak kesa pon. actlly dulu dia penah janji nak belanja aku aiskrim. aku igt dia main-main je. haha :D tak sangka plak dia belanja aku betul-betul. time kat kedai aiskrim, dia suruh pilih nak aiskrim apa. tapi aku tak tau nak amek aiskrim yg mne satu. duhh, segan gila. then tanpa melengah-lengahkan masa, aku pun capai la aiskrim "Walls Solero". skali dia cakap "laa, asal amek yg murah? hari tu kata nak yg mahal". waah~ terkejut aku sekejap. ehh, dia nie biar betul? betul-betul ke main-main nie? aku segan la nak amek yang mahal-mahal. dh org nak belanja, mana boleh demand lebih-lebih. tak baik tau. tapi dh dia suruh amek, aku pon amek la aiskrim Cornetto. haha ;) aku rasa aiskrim tu yg je la yg paling mahal kot kat dalam peti aiskrim tu. kwang kwang kwang. hassan plak belanja aina aiskrim. then aku plak belanja nabilah. hehe. fazrul je takde sape nak belanje. tape tape. next time. i belanja plak. ;) 

    Fazrul! thanx for the ice-cream, yaww! I really appreciate that!