Happy Birthday Ally Badry !

Happy birthday to you! haha ;DD kesian kat kao! org laen dh nk masuk age 20 tpi kao bru nk masuk 19. tpi xpe, kao untung lahir akhir tahun coz lmbt sikit nk tue haha..;DD hope kaki kao 2 cpt sembuh. have a great life!

Goodbye 2009 and Welcome 2010 !

argh! cptnye mse b'lalu.. sekejap je dh nk masuk 2010. rse bru je 2009 dtg smlm, dh nk blah dh. ermm! skola pon dh nk bkak. bley jmpe BFFs. rindunye kat dyeorg. haha..;DD so many memories in 2009 that i shared with u guys. aigoo! i'm so sorry for the mistakes that i've done in 2009. i hope this 2010 may bring much more luck for me and our friendship will be much better than 2009 and will never end. ;)

Nobody But You!

You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change. (Saranghae)

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

Why are you trying to, to make me leave ya
I know what you're thinking
Baby why aren't you listening
How can I just
Just love someone else and
Forget you completely
When I know you still love me

Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know it's not right so
Just stop and come back boy
How can this be
When we were meant to be

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

Why can't we just, just be like this
Cause it's you that I need and nothing else until the end
Who else can ever make me feel the way I
I feel when I'm with you, no one will ever do

Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know me enough so
You know what I need boy
Right next to you is where I need to be.

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I don't want no body, body
I don't want no body, body

Honey you know it's you that I want, it's you that I need
Why can't you see~

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (2x)

Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Nothing else matters other than you and me
So tell me why can't it be
Please let me live my life my way
Why do you push me away
I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you !

Gee !

Aha! Listen Boy My First Love Story
My Angel and My Girls
My sunshine
Oh! Oh! let's go!

You're so so handsome
My eyes my eyes are blinded
I can't breathe because I'm trembling

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby

Oh I feel so embarrassed
I can't look at you
I feel shy because I've fallen in love

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby

What should I do? (What should I do~)
About my trembling heart (My trembling heart)

(Thump thump thump thump) My heart kept thumping
So I couldn't fall asleep at night

I guess I guess I'm a fool
A fool that knows you, only you
Yes, as I look at you~~

So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)

Oh so so pretty
Your heart is so pretty
I was captured from first glance, caught so closely

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby

I can't touch it because it's so hot
I'm engulfed by love's fire completely

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby

What should I do (What should I do) because I'm so shy
(No no no no no) I don't know why but every day I long for only you

My close friends tell me
That I'm really a helpless fool
But as I look at you~~

So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)

I can't even say anything
I'm too embarrassed

Do I not have any courage?
What would be the right thing to do?
Thump thump my heart is anxious as I'm looking at you

So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)

So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)

Countdown !

One, two, three, four!
I am fighting for you
I'll only protect you
One, two, three, four!
I am fighting for love
I'll love you forever

Sometimes it's hard
But I will never shed tears
Even when the world deceives me
I will never cry
For me, there's only you
For me, I can only see you
I only put you in my heart
For me, there's only you
For me, I can only see you
Only you live in my life

One, two, three, four!
I am fighting for you
I'll only protect you
One, two, three, four!
I am fighting for love
I'll love you forever

Sometimes it's tiring
But I'll go to the end of the world
Why I breathe day by day
Only you, only love

Just hold me now
Just hold me now
Just hold me now
Just hold me now

Uh, only one in my mind
You're my heart, my only girl
It’s time to f-f-f-f-f-fight!
I'll put you in my heart and fly!

The reflected world from your wet eyes
I'll protect you, I'll shield your thin, trembling hand
That before I die, you won't go through trials

For me, there's only you
For me, I can only see you
I only put you in my heart
For me, there's only you
For me, I can only see you
Only you live in my life

One, two, three, four!
I am fighting for you
I'll only protect you
One, two, three, four!
I am fighting for love
I'll love you forever

The world screams loudly
My dream's so high
Scream at the sky
My dream, your dream

Scream loudly again
My dream's so high
Shout it hard again
My dream, your dream

The world screams loudly
My dream's so high
Scream at the sky
My dream, your dream

Just hold me now !

Present ?

abah! where is the present that u promise if i got straight A's in PMR? i'm still waiting.. haha..:D

Masalah Transport !

argh! mslh transport nie kcau btol la. susah btol kalu nk out pegy mane2. ish! kan best kalu ak de personal driver? xyah nk sruh org tolong anta kn. hopefully sis fariha free esk. kalu x, ari jumaat la ak klua. tpi klua ari jumaat pon oke gak, bley smbut new year skali.. hurmm?


U-Kiss (유키스) is a 6-member Korean boy band under NH Media. They debuted in 2008 with a single album entitled “어리지 않아” (Not Young). Their first single is said to be a fusion of the typical kpop as well as a "dirty south" style which was entirely composed by the Brave Brothers.

U-Kiss is comprised of 6 boys – two of which came from or were former members of another group, Xing (Kevin and Kibum). They are a multi-lingual group allowing them to communicate with fans in Korean, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

U-Kiss Stands For:
U- Ubiquitous
K- Korean
I- International (Idol)
S- Super
S- Star

This shows their intention of becoming an international group with the member's ability to converse with different languages. Alexander can converse in seven languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and English). He has a flair for languages. Eli is articulate in English, Korean and Mandarin and DongHo in Mandarin. Kevin is fluent in English and KiBum can speak Japanese. They are not only ready for Asia, but also for the US and Europe as well.

Happy Birthday Amin !

Happy birthday to my favorite sister. I'm so grateful that I have you as a sister. You're special, you're a sister who fights with me, plays with me, shouts at me and annoys me. But you're a great person on the inside and I love you my dear sister. Happy Birthday Amin !

My Happy Family !

Family to me has many meanings
For all are full of diverse feelings
Love and anger, both within a single one
Children who stay and children who run
Can one family be better than another?
It all depends on how they love each other
A family’s love should last forever
Bonds of love nothing can sever
For the family I have, I am happy and blessed
And nothing more truthful have I ever confessed
Family has many meanings, but one rises above
The greatest meaning of family, is that of love.

A family's more special than diamonds or jewels.
Or money and treasures galore.
It's sweet power of warmth and comfort.
It's something that's not sold in stores.
I always share love with my family.
They are people around me that care.
And everyday, from morning to night.
My family will always be there.

I've been so thankful and blessed to have a family like this.
A family that i can count on;
A family that cheers me on;
A family who always there to guide and support me;
A family who prays together and will stay forever.

This is the family that i can be proud of.

Abah, Mama, Amin, Ati, Eka, Ayep,n Akim!
I Love All Of You!

My Friendship in a Whipped ?

Melancholy is calling me again,
and tell me that I do just pretend?
You don't know and don't even comprehend
that our friendship is already at vain!

My friend, I tell you
that secrets are like cigarettes
they fly everywhere
like a smoke in the air

Your biggest secret that you didn't bothered to tell me;
It feels so bad to hear from somebody
and yet, you tell me I'm your best-friend?
I'm sorry to know that I do just pretend

Friends tell secrets
Friends don't blame each other
Friends Keep secrets
and friends are forever?

There is no forever!
Who does believe in forever?
They are the ones who are happy
and enjoying the concept of forever.
But my friend our forever might be never.

I tell you
that secrets are like cigarettes
they fly everywhere
like a smoke in the air
like our friendship that you don't even care !!

"Never take a person for granted,
Hold every person close to your heart,
Cause you might wake up one day and realise that
you've lost a diamond while

you were too busy collecting stones."

To Arna !

No matter what the weather, we'll always be together;
Best friends are forever, so I'm going to leave you never.

I'll always be there to help you fight your fears,
And when it all gets too much, I'll even wipe your tears.

Forever by your side: you're my very best friend,
In me you can confide; I'm your cousin till the end.

You're my other half, and forever that will be,
Without you I'm soul-less, and so you complete me.

I'm the happiest and luckiest person in the world,
Because I found you; my soul mate -- my girl.

Fate seems to try its best, to pull me and you apart,
But it will never succeed, because you reside in my heart.

If you ever leave me, I don't know what I'll do,
Because trust me it is true, I just can't live without you.

Because the truth is you see, that you belong with me,
And forever that will be: One - for the rest of eternity.

Funny girl, you gave me the world, don't you see it's true;
Without you where would I be, no-one can replace you.

I really could do anything, just to see you smile;
If you're happy, I am too: believe me for a while.

See, you're so very special; I could never let you go.
But if ever you get sick of me, please do let me know.

Because you're my other half, I feel empty when you're not here,
Now you are my everything; I'll have nothing if you're not there.

Things go wrong; shit happens, seems we can't make it through,
But I love my life, simply, because in mine I got you.

Life may take us separate ways, but we share the same lane;
I'm always right by your side; our paths will always be the same.

You mean too much to me; hope you'll always be mine;
We belong together, till the end of time.

Because to be more than honest, you're everything I got --
Bestest of the best; you're everything I'm not.

Nothing I ever write, will express how much you mean:
I love you so very much, in this world; it's probably unseen.

Now I hope time and distance don't play their role;
Either way, you'll always live Right Here... in my soul.

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da Onew !

It's your birthday and I can't be there
But I'll send you a special birthday wish and a little prayer
Have a happy birthday!
I'm so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy.
Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of all that makes you happiest.
Days have passed into years,you have become better with time. May you continue to become better with each birthday you enjoy.

Today is your day to celebrate
Your day to be the star
So let the ones you love all cheer
And say how special you are.

You'll always be forever young.
May this day bring to you all things that make you smile.
Happy Birthday Onew !

All About Taemin !

Taemin (태민) (Maknae)
→ Taemin is the youngest in the group. He is also the group's lead dancer - he can do awesome dance moves at such a young age. It is said that he got in SM because of his dancing.

Stage name: Taemin (태민 or 泰民)
Birth name: Lee Taemin (이태민)
Nickname: Maknae which means 'the youngest'
Birth date: July 18, 1993 (1993-07-18) (age 16)
Position: Sub vocal
Height: 175 cm
Interest/Specialty: Pop Pin Dance, listening to music, piano, Mandarin
Language Course Abroad in Beijing, China (2007)

→ Due to his being the maknae, he is often pampered by the members, especially Key. Key even calls him his son. He's really close and affectionate when it comes to Jonghyun.
→ He seems to like drawing a lot.
→ He has an older brother named Taesun.
→ He started dancing when he was in 3rd grade.

All About Minho !

Minho (민호) (Flaming Charisma)
→ Minho is the lead rapper of the group. He doesn't speak much, but he does like joining in the fun sometimes. He comments on things only when his hyung deul ask him to.

Stage name: Minho (민호 or 珉豪)
Birth name: Choi Minho ((최민호)
Nickname: Flaming Charisma
Birth date: December 9, 1991 (1991-12-09) (age 18)
Position: Rap and sub vocal
Height: 181 cm
Interest/Specialty: Soccer, Basketball, Acting, Mandarin, English
Language Course Abroad in Beijing, China (2007)
Experiences: (Model) 'Seoul Collection F/W 08-09' Designer Ha Sang Baek,
'2008/09 F/W PRET-A-PORTER BUSAN' Designer Ha Sang Baek

→ He appeared in Ha Sangbaek's fashion show in March 2008.
→ He's extremely quiet and shy towards girls. He seems to be close to Jonghyun and Onyu, though.
→ He can be very adorable at times.
→ He has an older brother named Minsuk.

All About Key !

Key (키) (The Almighty Key)
→ Key is one of the group's rappers and dancers. He is said to be the loudest in the group, and this has become more apparent in their recent guest appearances and shows. He's also the most random and comical among the five.

Stage name: Key (키)
Birth name: Kim Kibum (김기범)
Nickname: Key - though he also calls himself the mother of the group.
Birth date: September 23, 1991 (1991-09-23) (age 18)
Position: Rap and sub vocal
Height: 177 cm
Interest/Specialty: Rap, dance, water skiing, Mandarin, English

→ He was featured in Super Junior's movie Attack on the Pin up Boys.
→ He takes care of Taemin, cooks for him every morning and even sends him off to school. He even prepared food for Taemin's date in the first episode of the Reality Show. He prepared food again for Taemin's date in the second episode of the Reality Show.
→ He really seems to enjoy singing a lot. In noraebang, at least.

All About Jong Hyun !

Jonghyun (종현) (Bling Bling)
→ Jonghyun is the group's lead singer. His voice is stunningly beautiful - he can go from a low note to a high one without much difficulty. He is a very bubbly person, yet seems to be very shy with women.

Stage name: Jonghyun (종현 or 鐘鉉)
Birth name: Kim Jonghyun (김종현)
Nickname: Bling Bling
Birth date: April 8, 1990 (1990-04-08) (age 19)
Position: Lead vocal
Height: 173 cm
Interest/Specialty: Watching movies, singing, writing lyrics, Mandarin
Language Course Abroad in Beijing, China (2007)
Experiences: Featured in "Hanbun Utgahleen Sarang" from Zhang Li Yin's 2008 1st Album

→ He was featured in Zhang Li Yin's first Chinese album in the song 交错的 (Wrongly Given Love).
→ He sings even in his sleep. There was one time when Onyu heard him singing 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay) in his sleep.
→ He has done a couple of covers for songs, most of them with Onyu. The first one was Ne-Yo's Because of You. Another one is Brown Eyed Soul's Did We Really Love. He also said once that he loved singing with Onyu the most.
→ He and Key are roommates in their dorm, and they seem to be really close. They are often seen being all touchy and playful with each other.
→ He has an older sister.

All About Onew !

Onew(온유) (The Leader)
→ Onew (Onyu in hangul) is the leader of the group. He is often seen smiling during interviews and guestings, and even behind the scenes. He often tries to crack jokes but seems to fail, thus leading to getting teased by Jonghyun and Key. He seems to be closest to Jonghyun due to their almost in existent age gap.

Stage name: Onew (온유 or 温流)
Birth name: Lee Jinki (이진기)
Nickname: Sundubu, one - because of his love for soft tofu, and two - because 'he could sit in a corner and remain unnoticed'. That's what he said in the Reality Show, at least.
Birth date: December 14, 1989 (1989-12-14) (age 20)
Position: Sub vocal, Leader
Height: 177 cm
Interest/Specialty: Singing, Playing the piano, Mandarin

→ He was recently featured in Lee Hyunji's mini album in the song Vanilla Love.
→ Jonghyun and Key mentioned something about Onyu keeping a still and serious atmosphere whenever they're in the car. They dubbed it as the Onew Condition. They teased him about it in the fifth episode of the Reality Show.
→ He has an absolutely dorky dance.

Shining SHINee!

SHINee is a five-member boy band that debuted under SM Entertainment's label in 2008. SHINee is SM Entertainment's newly debuted (May 25, 2008 on SBS Inkigayo - SBS 인기가요) 'Contemporary Band'. SHINee is composed of five teenagers whose ages range from 16-21 years of age, and is described as a leading contemporary band. According to SM Entertainment, SHINee is going to lead the generation with their trendy dance, fashion, and music.

SHINee is the combination of "shine" and "ee," which means "people receiving the light." This light, as applied to the group, is the "spotlight" directed toward SHINee, whose goal is to fascinate fans, regardless of their age or where they come from, with its diverse music.

After the success of K-pop music groups TVXQ, Super Junior and Girls' Generation, SM Entertainment decided to form another boy band to enter the K-pop scene. Unlike SM Entertainment's previous music groups, SHINee has remained a secret until May 18, 2008 when the introduction of the new group surfaced on various articles on the Internet. The members themselves were a mystery although most members made brief media and album appearances prior to debut. Jonghyun lent his voice in the duet with Zhang Liyin, "An Amorous Love" (交错的爱), which was recorded in Zhang Liyin's first Chinese album. Key made a cameo appearance in Super Junior's first film, Attack on the Pin-Up Boys. Minho appeared in a fashion show in March 2008.

It had only been three months since their debut and they have already won the Hot New Artist award in the MNet 20's Choice Awards. Nine days after their debut, they also won in the Digital Cyworld Music Awards. On 18 September 2008, they won Mutizen in Mnet M!Countdown. Three days after - 21 September 2008, they won Mutizen in SBS Inkigayo. They also won Best Newcomer in the 2008 Asia Song Festival, 2008 MK Music Festival and 2008 Golden Disk Awards. They snagged all the newcomer awards for 2008. The group is composed of Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin.

They released their first full album, on August 28, 2008, and their first repackage album, Amigo, on October 30, 2008. On May 25, 2009, their first anniversary, their second mini album, Romeo, was released.

Awards Won
— Digital Cyworld Music Awards (for 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay); Popular Song)
— Hot New Artist (Mnet 20's Choice Awards)
— Mutizen (for 산소 같은 너 (Love Like Oxygen); 18 September 2008, Mnet M!Countdown)
— Mutizen (for 산소 같은 너 (Love Like Oxygen); 21 September 2008, SBS Inkigayo)
— Best Newcomer (13 October 2008, 2008 Asia Song Festival)
— Best Newcomer (15 November 2008, 2008 MKMF)
— Best Newcomer (12 November 2008, 15th Korean Music Awards)
— YEPP Disk Shininsang (New Artist) (09 December 2008, 2008 Golden Disk Awards)

— Mutizen (for 줄리엣 (Juliette); 05 June 2009, Music Bank)
— Mutizen (for 줄리엣 (Juliette); 19 June 2009, Music Bank)
— Mutizen (for 줄리엣 (Juliette); 28 June 2009, SBS Inkigayo)
— Mutizen (for 줄리엣 (Juliette); 05 July 2009, SBS Inkigayo)

— Best Newcomer (2008 MKMF)
— Song of the Year (for Replay; 2008 MKMF)
— Artist of the Year (2008 MKMF)
— Auction Netizen Popularity Award (2008 MKMF)
— Mobile Popularity Award (2008 MKMF)
— Disk Bonsang (09 December 2008, 2008 Golden Disk Awards)
— YEPP Inkisang (Popular Artist) (09 December 2008, 2008 Golden Disk Awards)
— YEPP Disk Shininsang (New Artist) (09 December 2008, 2008 Golden Disk Awards)

SHINee - The First Mini Album
01 . 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay)
02 . In my room
03 . Real
04 . 사.계.한 (Love should go on)
05 . 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay ~ Boom Track)

SHINee vol.1 - The SHINee World
01 . The SHINee World (doo-bop)
02 . 사랑의 길 (Love's Way)
03 . 산소 같은 너 (Love like Oxygen)
04 . 너 아니면 안되는 걸 (ROMANTIC)
05 . 그녀가 헤어졌다 (One for Me)
06 . 화장을 하고 (Graze)
07 . 마지막 선물 (Last Gift) (In my room - Prelude)
08 . 내 곁에만 있어 (Best Place)
09 . 혜야 (Y Si Fuera Ella)
10 . 눈을 감아보면 (Four Seasons)
11 . In My Room (Unplugged Remix)
12 . 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay)

SHINee The 1st Album - AMIGO
01 . 아.미.고 (Amigo)
02 . Forever or Never
03 . 사.계.한 (Plugged by DJ_Oneshot)

SHINee - The Second Mini Album ~ ROMEO
01 . 니가 맘에 들어 (Talk To You)
02 . 줄리엣 (Juliette)
03 . 차라리 때려 (Hit Me Baby)
04 . 세뇨리따 (Señorita)
05 . 잠꼬대 (Please, Don't Go)
06 . 소년, 소녀를 만나다 (Romeo+Juliette)

Back 2 School?

adoi? lgy bpe ari lgy skola dh nk bkk. sume org tgh sibok2 bli barang2 skola. argh! bosan nye skola nk bkk. ak xnk naek form 4! subjek form 4 sume berat2! ak tkot! ak x tao nk pilih aliran ape? ak still nk holiday lgy! owh, tidak!! mama, ak nk holiday lgy! please! huhu :(

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da Minho!

It's your birthday and I can't be there
But I'll send you a special birthday wish and a little prayer
Have a happy birthday!
I hope that all of your birthday wishes come true
May you have a great time today and find happiness in everything you do.
You're not getting older, you're getting better.
I'm so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy.
May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires.
Hope this day is as special as you are.

Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Count your age by friends, not years.

May the years continue to be good to you.
Happy Birthday Minho!