My Happy Family !

Family to me has many meanings
For all are full of diverse feelings
Love and anger, both within a single one
Children who stay and children who run
Can one family be better than another?
It all depends on how they love each other
A family’s love should last forever
Bonds of love nothing can sever
For the family I have, I am happy and blessed
And nothing more truthful have I ever confessed
Family has many meanings, but one rises above
The greatest meaning of family, is that of love.

A family's more special than diamonds or jewels.
Or money and treasures galore.
It's sweet power of warmth and comfort.
It's something that's not sold in stores.
I always share love with my family.
They are people around me that care.
And everyday, from morning to night.
My family will always be there.

I've been so thankful and blessed to have a family like this.
A family that i can count on;
A family that cheers me on;
A family who always there to guide and support me;
A family who prays together and will stay forever.

This is the family that i can be proud of.

Abah, Mama, Amin, Ati, Eka, Ayep,n Akim!
I Love All Of You!

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