The One and Only You.

I admit my mistake. I am sorry that I made you mad. I don't care anymore about that stupid post and you can write anything bad about me at your blog again. It doesn't matter what you do or say to me because you'll always be my sweeter cousin anyway. I want you to remember those good old days and those days of happiness that we had been trough together. I hope you know I always have your back just like you’ve had mine and it will always stay that way until the end of time. I don't want both of us fighting just because of that stupid post because i realize, every time I need to scream and cry or if I need to just vent, i would spent my time with you. Every time I need to laugh and play or just sit and talk awhile, I know I can count on your smile. When my day has been good or bad or my mood is happy or sad, running to you is only i can go. Before I go and put this entry to an end, I want to say I am sorry and it will never happen again. I am sorry we fought and I love you so much. Please forgive me.

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