ketawa ketawa dan ketawa.

hello, hello~  narumdaero yongkirul naesseoyo. haha. dah addicted dengan lagu shinee HELLO. sweet la tgk music video diorg. ermm~ hari ni aku nak tulis pasal ketawa. fyi, hobby aku ialah ketawa. gas ketawa aku memang banyak kalu nak dibandingkan dengan gas kentut. satu hari kalu aku tak ketawa tu, SAH memang dunia nak kiamat. huhu~ ttbe meremang plak segala bulu yang aku ada bila sebut pasal kiamat nie. hah! style aku ketawa nie laen sikit. abang sani cakap aku ketawa macam langsiaq. kurang ajo betul. cakap direct tu. haha. tapi aku tak kesa pon sebab aku ketawa dh memang macam tu, nak buat macam mana. kawan kawan aku cakap, dengar aku ketawa je pon dah cukup buat diorg join ketawa sekali. yang The Best! ayat cikgu Azizul. cikgu tuition modern math aku. pergh~ ayat dia paling  Da Bomb . "kamu ketawa macam ahli neraka" haha :D aku igt sampai sekarang kot ayat dia. actlly aku tulis pasal ketawa sebab tadi  malam, FH  im aku kat facebook. dia kasi aku satu link. aku pun bukak la. rupa rupa nya picture gathering 3 Ibnu Khaldun 2009. picture dia yang di atas tula. aiyoo~ mana budak nie jumpa picture nie pon aku tak tahu la. picture kat atas tu. aku censored kan muka aku sebab time tu aku tgh gelak besar.. haha :) lawak gila. malu la aku if aku tunjuk. jatuh la saham aku yang tinggi nie. nnti Minho tak jadi nak masuk meminang aku. mak mentua plak rejected awal-awal. hee~ FH cakap aku macam GANGSTERS? agak la. tapi tengok gaya aku duduk pon dah tahu. macam taiko budak-budak gangster woo~ Well, that's me. nak buat macam mana. tak maen la cover-cover cun. relax sudaa~  dia tak tahu yang aku nie TAIKO KETAWA kat dalam kelas. tak de siapa yang bole challenge aku gelak. kahkahkahkah.:DD

kerek gila!

 tadi abah ajak pergi econsave puncak alam sekejap nak beli barang sebab esok dia nak terbang ke sarawak. haha :)  aku pon ikut la jgk pergi meneman. pergi situ aku just bawak sling beg yg kecik nak isi purse aku, mama, yasmin, dgn zulaikha . then  bila dah masuk kat dalam econsave, dalam kesibukan aku mencari mama dengan abah aku yang hilang, tiba-tiba datang sorang kakak worker yang macam motherfucker nie ikut dari belakang and tahan aku. dia cakap "dik, beg nie tak bole bawak masuk". omg! malu gila. cakap punya kuat. haha :D jadi  popular aku sekejap. ehh~  back to the story, what the fu*k! bodoh gila. pehal plak tak bole bawak masuk beg. bodoh punye supermarket. sama macam central mart. bajet macam shopping mall la. HAKTUIH! ludah kahak aku kasi. aku pandang kiri, pandang kanan then pandang kiri balik. orang lain bawak masuk beg selamber dart je. bullshit! then tak pasal pasal beg aku kena simpan kat service counter. tak sempat nak keluar kan purse aku, yasmin, dgn zulaikha. mama punye purse je mama dah ambil awal-awal.  after that aku terus lari kat mama aku. aku story every single detail kat mama. then mama cakap "ehh~ orang lain bawak masuk beg boleh je. habis, hampa bawak keluar tak purse hampa ke? " kteorg tak sempat nak keluar kan, org tu dah tarik beg letak kat counter la mama~ jeng jeng jeng. mama naik angin woo~ "awat tak bawak keluar? "dalam tu kan ada ic." then mama kata "jom pergi ambik, bahaya!" sampai sampai kat counter, mama maki hamun brother yg jaga counter tu. aku kat tepi tu wat muka ketat je. konon bengang argh~  huahua :D cayalah mama! cuak muka brother tuu~ tu baru gertak sikit dah terketar-ketar. sebaek tak terkencing brother tu.. keluar je econsave , kteorg gelak gila gila  babi. pape ntah. beg tak bole bawak masuk konon. kat JUSCO bole je bawak masuk beg. kerek betul supermarket kerdil nie. huhh.


I wish I could be alone right now and then not always have to pretend. so all of the world couldn't see me. I know it's not simple but I know that it's strong. and I know it will never be easy but I know it ain't wrong. I wish I could be alone, ALL ALONE! And so i'll go on and on, hidin' out the way that i do. No need to worry who's givin' in or out. I wish I could be alone. It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone - so far. But dear, tell me would it be right?

la la la

omg! lately nie aku jadi sensitif sangat pehal? dengar lagu sedih, terus meleleh berjurai-jurai air mata. tengok cerita sedih, dah menangis. baca buku sad ending pon menangis jugak. terasa dengan kawan pon menangis juga. waah~ banyak betul air mata aku meleleh. semua nya gara-gara demam. what a mess. dh la buat aku menangis tak tentu pasal.  such a stupid disease. ergh~

The One and Only You.

I admit my mistake. I am sorry that I made you mad. I don't care anymore about that stupid post and you can write anything bad about me at your blog again. It doesn't matter what you do or say to me because you'll always be my sweeter cousin anyway. I want you to remember those good old days and those days of happiness that we had been trough together. I hope you know I always have your back just like you’ve had mine and it will always stay that way until the end of time. I don't want both of us fighting just because of that stupid post because i realize, every time I need to scream and cry or if I need to just vent, i would spent my time with you. Every time I need to laugh and play or just sit and talk awhile, I know I can count on your smile. When my day has been good or bad or my mood is happy or sad, running to you is only i can go. Before I go and put this entry to an end, I want to say I am sorry and it will never happen again. I am sorry we fought and I love you so much. Please forgive me.

post about me?

 marah je la. cakap lagi apa yang kau tak puas hati lagi kat blog tu. mentang mentang la aku jarang bukak blog. fine! aku yg salah. tulis la lagi sume benda yg korg tak puas hati pasal aku. aku suka sangat. ala  macam la aku sorng je yg buat. aku text kao pun sama jgk la. sampai ada yang aku call terus. salah aku semua nampak. korg pnye? ergh~ aku bukan nya pkai bill. aku just pkai prepaid. apa lagi salah aku? tulis la banyak banyak! tak sabar aku nak baca. rasa macam baca happy ending punye story plak bila baca post kao tu.

key !

There is one guy and i think i'm in love with him. Every time I talk about him, I get butterflies, I can't stop smiling and laughing. I get lost in his eyes. And that guy is KEY. 미안 해요 Choi Minho. but you still no.1 in my heart :) heee~ love ya!

p/s: sorry nana. aku tgk blik SHINee Yunhanam 1st episode. aku dh fall in love dgn key :)

hey! i love GD!

hee~ GD? who's GD? G-DRAGON? wajdi? masya-allah. hahaha :) semua nya salah. GD stands for Gangster Disciples. it is our group. this name was given by Nabilah. "konon nya kitaorg nie taiko la kat sekolah". this is because all of us have "JAWATAN". l0l :D pengawas = eqa, zawin, syaheera. PSS = arna, nabyla, lee, me. pengawas koperasi = ayn, najah, aenn. We were in secondary when we became friends.we made a packed we'd be friends till the end. Next thing we know we'd be teens. Telling secrets, talking about boys. Growing up, getting rid of all our toys.Talking to each other on the phone. Knowing that we'd never be alone. you guys the person I can tell everything and you wouldn't ashamed at me when every time i laugh. haha :) when i laugh, it look horrible. I could always be a dork with you and you could be a dork with me too. And even when we had our fights, some how we knew everything would be alright. Yea, sure we had our ups and downs. We shared our smiles and our frowns. But no matter what we stayed friends ,you guys were here through the thick and thin. I love you more then words can say and I wish NURUL FARIHA BT. OSMAN never had to go away from us. Even though you can't be here, I thank God for all the years that we got to spend together our friendship. I will always Treasure!

from left : syaheera, ayn, nabyla, aenn, lee, najah
(in front) :
from right : zawin, nana, me, eqa

i love you guys

aina yasmin!

nurul aina yasmin? haha. dia adik yg no-2. aku plg rapat dgn dia. sume benda aku cerita kat dia. dia nie bila kat luar rumah mmg berbeza gila. pendiam, pemalu, sopan-santun dan lemah-lembut. semua org akan ckp mcm tu kat dia. tpi bila kat rumah, masya-allah. terbalik woo~ banyak gila cakap. bila dia ckp mcm mulut murai tercabut ekor. if dia gelak, sebijik mcm aku cuma aku lagi up lagi la. haha. dulu dia mmg penakut gila nak mati. sampai mandi pun tak nak tutp pintu sbb takut pnye pasal. kadang-kadang suruh teman dia mandi. dia nie memang penakut dengan kucing since dia lahir lagi. time aku form 2, dia selalu panggil aku gemuk. hahaha. tuptap tuptap. this year muka dia jdi bulat mcm kuih onde-onde. bila dia senyum pipi dia naik kott. tula balasan ejek aku gemuk. boooo!

hah! kat ats tu pic dia time kecik-kecik dulu. psst! min jgn mara~ ilysm <3